I fully understand this kind of argumentation stating consciousness is nothing more than complex physical processes and that it doesn't genuinely exist because, indeed, there doesn't seem to have anything else out there. But I also fully understand positions like David Chalmers's, stating that there must be something more than an illusion at play. Indeed, explaining consciousness requires more than explaining objective behavioural functions. It also requires to explain why all this functioning is accompanied by an obviously conscious experience (at the very least, mine).
The more I think of it the more I'm inclined to think that the answer is far more complex than just deciding whether it 'simply' emerges from physical processes or whether there is something else. The crude reality is that consciousness is surprisingly both, and this is why there are two opposing schools of thought. To my eyes, consciousness indeed emerges from complex physical processes but is nevertheless not an illusion at all.
My full argumentation can be found here [https://jsgonsette.github.io/en/posts/quantum/] and I would be curious to know what you think about it.